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Pushing treatment, not time, for drug users

 Posted on January 31,2023 in Drug Offenses

Many people who are arrested for drug crimes end up doing jail time. This typically isn’t what they, or society, needs. At the heart of drug crimes is addiction, and this is the true problem that needs to be addressed.

If you have been arrested for a drug crime in DuPage County or the surrounding areas, drug court might produce the best resolution for you. This can help you kick your addiction and avoid prison time. When is drug court an option?

Drug court may be available to you if you are up against a nonviolent criminal charge related to drug or alcohol addiction. An experienced criminal defense attorney can work to help you get into drug court or an alternative program. These programs offer people the tools to get their lives back on track, including:

  • Counseling
  • Treatment and rehabilitation
  • Court monitoring
  • Drug screens

Going to drug court, and getting a deal that involves no prison time and no criminal record, will help you move forward into a brighter future.

Soon, people with drug problems may have more support in Naperville. The Naperville Police Department is developing a program that would encourage rehabilitation over punishment for addicts. The program involves police intervention in the form of treatment referrals instead of arrests.

The efforts will focus largely on possession offenses; drug trafficking cases will still be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

What To Do If You’re Facing A Drug Charge

While Naperville has indicated a shift in the way it handles drug offenses, the government still has incredible resources to prosecute drug crimes. And, the courts are still under pressure to deal harshly with drug offenders.

Contact an experienced attorney to discuss all of your options if you’ve been arrested. It may be possible to have your case dismissed on procedural or constitutional grounds or to win an acquittal. If not, a skilled attorney can help guide you toward less serious, and potentially beneficial, consequences.

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