Naperville Aggravated Assault Attorney
Aggravated Assault Charges Can Lead To Significant Consequences
Penalties for aggravated assault can vary significantly, depending on whether the assault charge is filed as a misdemeanor or felony offense. Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer who knows how to present the facts favorably can mean the difference between community service or probation and spending multiple years in prison.
When your freedom is at stake, contact the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, in Naperville, Illinois. Our law firm provides thorough, vigorous defense representation to clients in Naperville and surrounding communities, such as DuPage, Cook, Kane, Will, and Kendall Counties.
Simple Assault ∙ Aggravated Assault ∙ Assault and Battery
You can face assault charges whether or not injury or harm was actually inflicted. By definition, assault involves the threat of physical harm or injury — whether the threat resulted in actual harm (battery) or only put the individual in fear of harm. Aggravated assault charges can result from:
- Assault with a firearm or assault with a deadly weapon, including situations where a person carried or exhibited a weapon or discharged a firearm
- Assault of a police officer
- Assault on school grounds or against a teacher
- Assault of other persons in a protected class (e.g. state workers, elderly, correctional employees, disabled persons)
- Operating a motor vehicle in a way that caused someone to reasonably believe they would be struck by the vehicle and injured
In most cases, aggravated assault is charged as a Class A misdemeanor. This means that a person who is convicted may be sentenced to up to one year in prison and fined up to $2,500. However, aggravated assault in which the victim was a police officer or first responder may be charged as a Class 4 felony, and a conviction may result in a prison sentence of one to three years and fines of up to $25,000.
Attorney Philip Nathe is a veteran criminal defense lawyer who is not afraid to take cases to trial. His successful defense representation is the result of his thorough case preparation and investigation, effective negotiation, and aggressive representation at trial.
Contact an Experienced DuPage County Aggravated Assault Attorney
Whether you are facing charges involving domestic violence, aggravated assault, or another violent offense, contact the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe and schedule a free initial consultation with Mr. Nathe. We offer a free consultation, and we return calls the same day. Our firm accepts Visa and MasterCard, and we can make payment arrangements. Call 630-416-7600 or toll free at 888-583-6197 to schedule a free consultation.