DuPage County Naperville Juvenile Theft Attorney
Juvenile Theft Can Have Serious Consequences
Even adults frequently fail to understand just how serious a theft conviction can be. For juveniles who face the temptation to take something that is not theirs, the potential effects can be even less apparent. Thefts of small items from a store can escalate to taking more expensive items from a property owner's garage or other locations, and the consequences of these offenses can quickly escalate as well.
If your child has made a poor decision and been charged with juvenile theft, the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe can assist you. Our law firm features a Naperville juvenile crimes attorney with decades of experience helping juveniles and adults deal with the consequences of all kinds of theft charges.
Reducing the Impact of a Theft Charge
Juvenile thefts can range from shoplifting small items from a retail store to thefts of money, jewelry, expensive electronics, bicycles, or even motor vehicles from people's homes or other locations. The charges can quickly become serious, because the severity of the theft charge depends in large part on the value of the items taken.
A theft can easily lead to a burglary charge if your teenager is accused of entering someone's garage or home and taking items from it. This offense carries severe penalties, including potential jail time. Even a low-level theft conviction can make it more difficult for your child's future education, career, and housing plans.
Most juvenile theft cases are handled in juvenile court, where judges and case workers often view the case with an eye toward helping children who have made mistakes learn from these experiences and helping them avoid future contact with the criminal justice system. For many theft cases, Mr. Nathe has successfully argued for court supervision. If a child successfully completes court supervision, the juvenile offense will not go on his or her record.
Learn More About the Various Factors Involved in Juvenile Cases
When our law firm represents your child in juvenile court for issues related to theft charges, you can rest assured knowing that we have the experience and understanding of the law to evaluate the strength of the state's case. Factors that can affect the likelihood your child can be convicted include:
- How store security staff members treated your child
- Whether security camera footage exists
- When police were called
We will review the facts of your child's case and provide guidance for the best options for defense.
Contact Our DuPage County Juvenile Theft Defense Attorney
If your son or daughter has been charged with theft or any other juvenile crime, schedule a free, confidential consultation with us today. Call our office at 630-416-7600, toll free at 888-583-6197, or contact us online.