DuPage County DUI Defense Attorney
Strong Defense Against DUI Charges
Facing drunk driving charges can be a frightening and unsettling experience. For many, this may be their most serious interaction with the law ever. For those who have faced a DUI charge before, there is the reality that the penalties for a repeat DUI are so much more severe.
Penalties for DUI can include:
- A criminal record, if convicted
- Suspension or revocation of your driver's license
- Drastic increases in your car insurance
- Jail time or prison time
- Steep fines and court costs
- Mandatory treatment
- Surrender of your vehicle (or physical restrictions)
At the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, our DUI defense lawyer in Naperville has been working in the DuPage County criminal courts for more than 30 years, including serving as a probation officer and a prosecutor prior to becoming a criminal defense attorney.
First-Time DUI Offender?
First-time drunk driving charges are a Class A misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of one year in jail and $2,500 in fines, though most people will serve no jail time unless they were involved in a drunk driving accident. If charges cannot be dismissed at the outset, the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe will strive for court supervision — an alternative to conviction. Under court supervision, the drunk driving charge stays off your record and eventually is dismissed — if you follow the judge's stipulations. A conviction, on the other hand, means a criminal record, loss of your driver's license for one year, and other DUI penalties.
Following a DUI arrest, your license will be suspended for six months if you fail a blood alcohol test (one year if you refuse chemical testing or a Breathalyzer). The Law Office of Philip R. Nathe can request the issuance of a monitoring device driving permit (MDDP), which allows you to drive after your license has been suspended for 31 days — providing you install a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID) in any vehicles you drive.
Repeat or Felony DUI Offense?
If found guilty, supervision is not available on a second or felony drunk driving offense, and the courts are less inclined to leniency. A second DUI conviction could result in jail time of 30 to 60 days (and as much as one year), and revocation of your license for one to five years, with no MDDP option. A third DUI could result in either being charged with a Class 2 or a Class 4 felony, punishable by one to seven years in prison.
Mr. Nathe will pursue every avenue to beat the charges or amend them to a lesser offense, including challenging your initial stop by the police and field sobriety tests. If the prosecution has a solid case, Mr. Nathe will seek the least harsh penalties and advocate for alternatives such as alcohol treatment, community service, probation, and shorter jail time.
Other Alcohol-Related Offenses
Our firm defends against all alcohol-related offenses, including:
- DUI for non-Illinois residents
- DUI for commercial driver's license holders
- Aggravated DUI
- DUI involving injury or accident
- DUI resulting in death
- Reckless homicide
- Underage drinking
- Furnishing alcohol to minors
- Open liquor container
- Drug-related DUI
Contact Our Naperville DUI Defense Attorney
If you have been arrested for DUI, you need to take immediate steps to defend yourself from penalties that can dramatically impact your life. Turn to the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe. Call 630-416-7600, toll free at 888-583-6197, or simply contact us online.
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